UTAH'S Treasures

The Utah Department of Heritage & Arts has a tremendous responsibility
to protect, preserve, and share the art and historical materials in our care, and use them as a vessel to tell the collective stories of this territory.

For more than a century, the state has built a collection of artifacts, fine art, and folk art. Combined, these collections include approximately 1.8 million objects and have an estimated value of $125 million. 

We at the Department take this responsibility seriously. However, despite the best efforts of staff, our history and art collections are at risk of accelerated degradation based on unfavorable storage conditions, and due to constraints in space and conditions, this generation of state employees have lost the opportunity to collect, properly care for, and share these valuable pieces. 

This campaign uses market research to identify the elected officials and high-level donors who would be most likely to support a new collection facility. After years of crafting stories around the artifacts, asking for support, and hosting viewing events and distributing materials DHA won the support of the legislature. DHA in partnership with many entities are in the process of building a new museum "The Museum of Utah" on capitol hill in Salt Lake City. 
Utah artifacts & art

If a historic object could reminisce ­– what memories would emerge? If you stood in front of an art piece, what of your experiences would you project onto it, and what does it whisper as you gaze?

Many people touch an object and live with art as it travels through generations and the exchange of hands adding to its ever-nuanced interpretation.

We at the Department of Heritage & Arts want to take you on a journey along a thread of time that ties extraordinary objects to Utah’s culture. We will share places the objects have seen, the people whose lives it touched, and cultures that have run parallel with its existence. 

The essence of each piece will become increasingly complex as the voices of those who had the pleasure, or misfortune, of encountering these objects share their stories on its behalf.​​​​​​​
Marketing Plan + STYLE GUIDE
Over the course of the campaign, visual materials will be subjected to digital degradation slowly destroying details and the beauty in the selected objects. This will act as a metaphor of the accelerated degradation of our collections based on poor atmospheric conditions.

Sarina V. Ehrgott
Todd Anderson
Kerry Shaw
Josh Loftin, Michelle James
Colby Bryson + Alec Lyons with Phase 2 Productions, Powered by Spy Hop

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