MUSE is our storytelling look at Utah’s creative communities, a chance to remind ourselves why culture matters. MUSE magazine is distributed through the Deseret News and The Salt Lake Tribune newspapers semi-annually in April and October.

Spring 2019: The Journeys Issue
Sometimes, it takes setting out on creative journeys with writers, artists, historians and bookmobile drivers to be reinspired by the place where we live. In this issue of MUSE, we seized the opportunity to tell stories about the journeys of the people who live and create throughout the state. This is just the first chapter of our storytelling look at Utah’s creative communities, a chance to remind ourselves why culture matters.
Fall 2019: The Breakthrough Issue
“My body may be imprisoned, but nothing can keep my creative vision from reaching out beyond these walls.” Carole Alden’s artist statement offers the perfect jumping-off point for our Breakthrough Issue. In these pages, we’re considering new opportunities to memorialize the forgotten, to gather in Utah’s historic Main Street theaters, to tell an original song-and-dance story, and to grow a garden rooted in cultural history. With this issue’s collection of breakthrough stories, we invite you to look for even more creative efforts to save a life.
Spring 2020: The Volunteer Issue
Volunteering. Serving. Giving Back. With Utahns’ commitment to serving, you’d think we might have coined a blizzard’s worth of words for giving back. Before we create our own service thesaurus, however, in this issue of MUSE we’re telling stories of those who help the state rank No. 1 in service hours. We’re focusing on volunteers who educate through dance and those who hike to preserve prehistoric rock art sites. And the kids who enlist their friends to help — and the culture of volunteerism across the state and the service it inspires.
MUSE magazine is distributed through the Deseret News and The Salt Lake Tribune newspapers semi-annually in April and October.
If you don't get the paper, you don't have to miss out — download the digital issues here.
Ellen Fagg Weist
Josh Loftin
Sarina V. Ehrgott
Kerry Shaw
Todd Anderson
Catherine Reese Newton